Fanny Crutzen - Illustrator

She comes from Clermont, a village in the province of Liège in Belgium. It is a small town which, like Bienno for Italy, is one of the most beautiful villages in Wallonia.

I grew up in a house surrounded by green fields, where my dad's cows graze. Of the few memories left from my childhood, I remember always drawing.

Her parents saw in this a certain ability of hers and supported her in her path by enrolling her first in drawing courses in plastic art, then in evening courses at the Verviers Academy of Fine Arts. She later studied illustration / visual storytelling (ESAL) at the Liège Academy of Fine Arts, where she specialized in hand-printed art books and developed a graphic style.

This path has been marked by the books of Mathias Enard. In particular, "Tell me about battles, kings and elephants" (translation by Yasmina Mélaouah, La Scala series, Milan, Rizzoli, 2013), which allowed her to deepen her research on art books.

The illustrations present are the result of personal research on the theme linked to the past, death and memories. During her studies she also discovered bookbinding and this allowed her to use thread as a raw material, but also as a common link between all the themes she deals with, like the thread of life that intertwines all events.