The project

Bienno Borgo Artisti 2.0 is a well-established reality thanks to the effort of our municipality and artists.

Its heart is in the“Casa degli Artisti” (Artist’s House) located in Carotti street, and all activities take place mainly in the old town.

Its main goals are allowing cultural exchange and helping different artistic experiences to spread. These goals are pursued through an annual competition notice, which entitles the most influential figures in the artistic field to an artistic residency: therefore they’re given the
possibility to research and develop projects using their own creative language and collaborating
with local artisans.

An established agreement with Art Academies also grants this opportunity to worthy students of Visual Arts, Communication and Applied Arts.
This constant flow of both national and international artists provides fertile soil for thematic workshops and experience-based tourism, both in educational systems and in the old town’s workshops.

The residencies evolve into events, performances, artist talks, shows and screenings.
At the end of their stay artists donate a work of art to the town, and therefore contribute to Bienno’s enrichment and ongoing progress.